About Sarah

Sarah is a Ph.D. student living in Delaware and studying Art History, not because she thinks it will ever make her any money, but because she likes it, and likes torturing herself. She is hoping to one day get a job teaching American Art to undergraduates, who will hopefully manage to stay awake through her lectures despite the fact that all Art History classes are given with the lights off. Sarah enjoys ballroom dancing, singing Irish ballads, eating and cooking, spending way too much time talking about movies and politics, and spending time outdoors. She is extremely afraid of heights and things that have exoskeletons with goo inside.

Sarah is trying to convince Charlie to buy her a goat. So far she has been unsuccessful.

About Charlie

Charlie is a nurse, speedskater, and all-around awesome person living in Wisconsin. He is not writing this bio, so Sarah is free to gush about him and also say that he is pretty adorable, hilarious, and kind-hearted. He is much braver than Sarah, and he rescues her from heights and things with exoskeletons, unless he is in Wisconsin while Sarah is in Delaware, in which case he fields panicked phone calls about what to do about the centipede in the shower. He also says that Sarah never has to ride a roller coaster again, because he can't stand the screaming.

Charlie is a very patient person, which makes him a good nurse. He is going to be patching up his klutzy fiancee/wife for the rest of his life.

How We Met

We met in the fall of 2001, when Sarah was a freshman at Rutgers University and Charlie had just transferred there from another school. Despite the fact that Charlie is sweet and adorable, Sarah decided to start dating someone else, and then when that didn't work out, she picked a different someone else, even though she and Charlie almost got together in this first year. Through another three years, Sarah was too silly to figure out that she was in love with Charlie, despite the fact that she would jump into his arms and squeal every time she saw him. Good thing Charlie was patient....

Note: this picture has nothing to do with us meeting each other. I just like it.

The John Kerry Incident

So, in the summer of 2005, Charlie and Sarah hadn't seen or spoken to each other in a while. Charlie was working as an EMT in his hometown, and it so happened that on one terribly hot day, John Kerry came to speak there. One of the women in the crowd fainted from the heat, and as one of the first responders on scene, Charlie was involved in bringing her to the ambulance and reviving her. The EMTs decided that it would be disappointing for the woman to miss out on meeting a former presidential candidate because of her illness, so one of them informed John Kerry's staff of what had happened. When he heard, he came over to the ambulance, made sure the woman was okay, had his photo taken with her, and on the way out, clapped Charlie on the arm and said, "Good job!"

Charlie was so excited that he went home and IMed everyone on his AIM list with the same message: "John Kerry touched my arm!"

One of those people was Sarah. This was the beginning that got Sarah and Charlie talking again, and a few months later, when Charlie asked Sarah out on a date, she was happy to see him again. The rest is history....

So, should we invite John Kerry to our wedding? :)